
Whilst on my way home today I heard a feature on the radio regarding the difficulty of getting insurance companies to pay out for a stolen car. The problem was that the car was supposed to be virtually unable to be stolen without one of the two keys the manufacturer provides. But these electronic keys can be cloned and although the insurance companies know this, they were trying to say that their client must have been party to the theft. It took 9 months for the claim to be settled and an intrusive investigation into the clients finances. The conclusion that was drawn from this episode was that the customer should not have taken the manufacturers security systems as being as good as he was assured. The range of additional security for cars is large, but in many cases, the most effective is the cheapest. As has been said in previous posts, nothing is foolproof, but the idea has to be to make the thief move on to the next target. Things like brightly coloured handbrake or steering wheel locks can easily be seen from outside the vehicle and present the thief with another problem to contend with. Wheel clamps do likewise, and are relatively cheap compared to the high tech stuff that can cost you more than the car is worth. Every layer of security, no matter how cheap, is more time in which the thief is likely to get caught so therefore it stands to reason he is more likely to move on to the next target. This applies to our homes as well. If you have read my previous posts, you will know that I have a strong commitment to the security of upvc doors. Like the car manufacturers, window and door companies are selling you doors with hooks, bolts and all sorts of security- but weak lock barrels that make the rest stand for nothing. Remember, 42 seconds without any noisy drills and the burglar can be in your home. Every customer I have demonstrated this to has replaced with the diamond standard lock barrels that display the BSI kite mark-an instant visual deterrent to the would-be burglar. We would all like to be able to afford alarm systems and while that is something AC Locksmiths will soon be providing, the dummy cameras and motion detecting lights are just as likely to make your home just another place to pass by for the burglar on his way to easy targets. Should you want further advice or tips, please feel free to contact via our contacts page. Don’t put yourself in to a situation where you have to fight your insurance company for a pay out. 9 months is a long time to be without a car, television, computer, etc. Thanks for reading!
Thinking Ahead

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