Burglar Alarm Systems
After my last blog, I have had a re-education about alarm systems: – Modern technology has advanced alarm systems a huge amount. In my previous blog I referred to my experiences of alarms going off and being ignored, however, I came across an article for locksmiths discussing burglar alarms and security. In the article they looked at wireless alarm systems that were linked up to mobile phones, so that, should an alarm go off at your property whilst you are not there, you are notified immediately, and you, or a key holder, can investigate what is going on and deal with it accordingly. The alarm system, therefore does not rely on attracting the attention of those in the immediate vicinity, but on notifying the people with the vested interest in the property.
Alarm systems can be a great deterrent to the opportunist thief and it is only apathy of some of the general public that ever lets them down. Whilst I can recall instances of times no-one has taken notice of the alarm, I cannot say how many times a potential burglar has looked at a property and upon seeing it has an alarm fitted, decided to try elsewhere, perhaps for an easier target.
So, whether it be the correct locks, alarm, CCTV, bright lights or any of our other security products, you can now rely on AC Locksmiths to put up the best defences against unwanted intruders to your home. Consultations are entirely free (although the cuppa is always graciously accepted) and there is never any hard sell.
Please see our contacts page to book an appointment.
admin October 26, 2013