Burglaries Advice

Last night I had the sad case of having to replace a lock after someone had been burgled. The victim in question admitted having the door locked but with the keys in the lock and in plain view as the door glass was not even frosted. The person also told me they had that “It would never happen to me,” attitude. The fact is, most burglars look for properties where the owners have this train of thought. If you try and think like an invader when you look at your home security and practices, you will be more likely to do the things that prevent the real crooks looking upon your home as an easy target, which will in turn make them move on.

With this particular case, the intruder wanted to be in and out as fast as possible. Otherwise they would have gotten away with a lot more. The fact that only the stuff on show was taken (apparently they missed easy money in draws) proves this. So just making things harder and longer to do will protect you more. I am not saying that if you spend thousands turning your home into Fort Knox you stand no chance of being targeted, but the harder you make it for them, the less chance you have of becoming a victim. AC Locksmiths Norfolk offers a free home security assessment with no obligation to have our recommendations taken up.

Please use any of the methods on our contact page for an appointment. It doesn’t always happen to someone else.
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