Basic Security

This week I have been to a job where the home owner was locked out. Their partner had locked the door and posted the key through the letter box. Fortunately for me, the key was visible through the window and I easily put a telescopic magnet through the letter box and retrieved it, thus being able to open the door and let the customer in easily. This was not the first time I have done this and while it makes my job easy, it also makes it easy for the burglar. I have lost count of the times I have seen keys hung near the front door within sight and easy reach of hooks through the letter box. However, when an intruder breaks into your home, they want to leave via the door with any large items they may have stolen. Having your keys near the door just makes it easy for them, so please do not leave your keys near the door in plain sight. If you want any advice on home security, please do get in contact with us via our contacts page and remember we are happy to carry out free security checks with honest advice and no hard sell. Have a happy Easter!  

Increase Home Security

There has been recent press highlighting the weaknesses of the locks on UPVC and Composite doors. For years, the multi-point locking system has been sold as a very secure way to protect your home, however, the actual cylinder that you turn the key in has been shown to be very easy to get past. 27% of burglaries in West Yorkshire are attributed to these “Euro Cylinder” locks and the BBC in West Yorkshire have aired a programme showing exactly how it is done! It took an ex-burglar just 42 seconds to gain entry to a home without any loud drilling or smashing of glass.

The Master Locksmith Association (Britain’s largest locksmithing body) are currently campaigning to the government and household insurance companies to have all of these Euro Cylinders replaced with anti-tamper cylinders. While we all know that if a burglar really wants to get into your home, they will – making life as difficult as possible is likely to make the opportunist burglar move on to the next easier home he can find.

At present, the anti-tamper Euro cylinders are about twice the price of the weak, standard ones because they are specially made to withstand all types of attempted break-in. But, if the MLA security campaign is successful, or the insurance companies see this as a way to boost premiums, then the price is likely to rise because of demand for millions of homes across the UK.

AC Locksmiths offers a free security check with no obligation to buy any of our products or use our services. You have nothing to lose by booking an appointment. Contact us on 07846643176 or via our contacts page on this web site.

Hello world!

Welcome to my new website. Please bear with us whilst we are building it – it is still a work in progress!! I have had a few problems with my business website in the past, I have paid others to do it for me and have had what seems to be quite a common problem with getting exactly the right information on my site and being unable to have the control to make the changes that I want to make. So, I decided to take the bull by the horns as it were and go it alone – wish me luck! As I get on with the site I will start blogging with more information about my business and locksmithing in general, inthe meantime, any queries just give me a call – 07846643176 or contact me through my new contact page. Thanks, Alan