Common key & lock mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Common key & lock mistakes – And How To Avoid Them

Key & Lock mistakes

It has been a while since I have produced a blog helping you to avoid needing to call out people like me. So here is a short list of common, avoidable mistakes people make that might just help you not make those same mistakes, hopefully saving you time and money.

Safe Keys

Putting override keys inside your battery operated safe: Safes are great, but if you have a key operated safe, the safe is only as good as the place you hide the key. People are quite obvious in hiding places, so digital safes are a lot better then simple key turn safes. The only problem is that digital safes have master key overrides and the safest place for these keys is in the safe itself. But if you only use your safe rarely there is a good chance you will forget about it, It gets placed in a built in cupboard, covered in clothes and out of sight, out of mind. The batteries start to die and because it is covered in clothes, you don’t hear the warning beep and pretty soon, you have a keypad that you cannot use. Thankfully, you have override keys…. But they are inside the safe. At this point, you can call a domestic locksmith who will gain access by destroying your safe and you will have to pay him for the privilege. You then have to buy a new safe. Potentially £100s because you forgot to change the batteries and left the override keys inside the safe. You can try a safe specialist to come and pick the lock, but the cost might still be £100s because safe specialists are rare (the courses and equipment are expensive) and they don’t get many calls compared to standard locksmiths.

How to avoid disaster? Firstly, take those override keys and trust a family member/good friend to look after them for you. If their house gets broken into and a burglar finds your safe keys, they have no idea what safe they open or where it is. But if they find those keys in your house, they can get into your safe. So, get those keys away from your property. Surprisingly, now your keys are not easily accessible in your safe, you will be more likely to check your batteries! But don’t rely on that. Check how long your safe manufacturer says batteries should last and halve it. Write on the calendar when to change the batteries. Use the old batteries for something else, but keep new batteries in your safe. I love Autumn and Spring because we change our clocks and this gives us a great time to do other things like regular battery changes. Have a list of other maintenance things to do like pre-winter gutter cleaning, etc, and put safe battery changes on that list. This will ensure that if you do have to call someone to open your safe, it will be because something has gone wrong rather than having to explain an expensive memory failure.

Car keys on holiday

I wish I had a sum of money for every time someone called me to say they lost their keys on the beach and the spare car key is 400 miles away on the other side of the country… Oh wait, I do! When you drive somewhere on holiday, take your spare key. When you get to your hotel/air B&B/caravan, etc leave your key somewhere safe at your destination. If you lose your car key, it will be a lot cheaper to get a bus/cab back to your holiday base than it will to call an auto locksmith to come and make a new key on the spot for you. A lot quicker too. Even when you go out on a normal day, if you have someone with you, get them to carry the spare key. If you bring the spare out and leave it in the glove box, you are making life difficult for everyone except car thieves.

Letter boxes

Sticking with cars, most cars are stolen from driveways or outside homes using the keys which have been lifted – either because the front door is left unlocked, or the thief has fished the keys through the letter box. Tools for opening locked doors via the letterbox are getting cheaper, easier to use, and ever more sophisticated. Even if you have an angled guard, there is a tool that goes around it. You might think this is a step back to your Grandma’s house, but a letter basket with closing lid, is a great way to foil the letterbox thief. Better still, seal up the letterbox, and have an external box. If you have room, get one that is big enough for parcels, We get so much delivered these days, a lockable parcel box is a great idea. At the same time, door cams record anyone approaching your door and will have images sent to your phone before they can vandalize it. But I digress..

Copy keys

If you are renting out a holiday home or have multiple carers, etc, get a locksmith to install a new lock, with all new, branded additional keys tried and tested before the lock goes in. Almost every time I get called back to job where the lock has failed, the customer shows me  a key that has been copied elsewhere on some poor-quality blank. If you get keys copied and they foul up the lock, that is invalidating any guarantee the locksmith gives you, but if you are using additional keys supplied with the lock at time of installation, you are completely covered. But, if you must get copies made, make sure the original keys are the ones that get used most. I.E. let the guests use them. Yes, they might lose them (less likely if you request a deposit), but if they have poor quality keys and the lock fails and they are locked out waiting for a locksmith who destroys the lock getting in, the cost just multiplies. If you need multiple carers, please get a keysafe. It is better than having to collect keys later and ensures better keys are used.

5 lever locks

Know your terminology; there is a difference between a five lever mortice lock and a multipoint locking system. If you have a wooden door the mortice lock, (often called a ‘Chubb’ lock) is the one that should be 5 levers. If you look at the front plate, It will tell you that it is either 2, 3 5 levers and preferably will display a British Standard kite mark that tells you it has been tested against picking, drilling, sawing and most other forms of attack. If you have a door where you lift the handle and various hooks/bolts/mushrooms, etc. move, this is not a five lever lock. This is a multi-point locking system and your insurance is happy with that, which is bizarre because these systems are only as good as the locking barrel you put your key into and insurance companies are yet to wake up to how easy these can be to bypass. Again, digressing, but please talk to your local locksmith about kite-marked barrels. And if your architect/builder/designer tries to tell you these new multi-point doors without handles are a good idea, ignore them. When there is no handle, all the force of opening the door goes through the key. The leverage ratio is tiny compared doors with nice big handles, and at some point, you will snap your key in your lock.


My last one for this blog; Just the other day, I fixed a basic lock on the top half of a stable door. It was not insurance compliant. When I challenged the customer regarding this and told him that his insurance company would not pay out if he were burgled, he replied with one I have heard often: ‘This is Norfolk. Although I know someone in the next village got burgled and lost a lot, it’s highly unlikely I will.’ So why pay for insurance at all? If you are paying for insurance, you owe it to yourself to make sure you are compliant. A second house this week is having three locks replaced after one has stopped working. I pointed out the three locks were all 3 lever and not insurance compliant, so the customer in this case, ordered new locks without delay. If you have an older house, don’t just assume the locks are up to spec. Most decent locksmiths do a free security check and, speaking for myself, when I do security checks I will tell you where advice is necessary and where advice is just personal recommendation.

This article about insurance required locks is quite good.

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please get in touch.

Thanks for reading

Problems with Copy Keys

Problems with copy keys

Problems with Copy keys

Does your lock require a Knack for getting it open? Does one side open better than the other? Does the lock stick sometimes and need be jiggled to work correctly?

All these are signs you have been using badly cut keys. Look at the key you are using in your lock. If it doesn’t have the same brand name on it as the lock, it is a copy. Key cutting shops use generic brands like JMA because one key will cut for several brands. This makes things easier and cheaper for the key cutter, but the copy brands are often made with cheaper materials, as this means less wear and tear on the cutting blades for the machines. If key cutters used genuine branded blanks all the time, they would go through more cutting blades and instead of throwing away a cheap copy if you bring it back, and it becomes a more expensive throw away if they don’t get the cut right first time. For them to use genuine blanks, prices of key cutting would have to double at least, but more likely triple.

For the person cutting the key, they only have your original to work from, and often people bring in copies to copy from. Ideally, you would take the lock so they can test the keys before you take them, but that is very unlikely to happen.

So, when you are thinking of changing locks, think hard about the number of keys you require. Most locks come with two or three keys as standard, so any more will have to be ordered. Ordering additional keys with the lock ensures you get branded keys that have been tested before the lock even goes anywhere near your door and keeps your guarantee sound. A locksmith fitting your lock can easily claim any failure could be down to poorly cut keys should you have more cut elsewhere after he/she has done the work. And they would more than likely be correct. Only today, I changed a lock for a couple who had six copies made from keys of a lock I fitted about 5 years ago. Some worked inside only, two worked outside only and one had to be pulled back slightly to work on either side. Between them, they were wearing the pins away so that even once the original keys were found, those originals were not quite right. The worst of it was, they didn’t even need that many keys. Remember, there were just the two of them. Three original keys and six extra copies. A keysafe would have been a better option than so many extra keys.

Based in Holt, AC Locksmiths covers a large part of North Norfolk, including the north coast towns of Thornam, Brancaster, and the Burnhams. We go to Hunstanton, Snettisham, Dersingham and Heacham. And not forgetting locksmith services in Docking, the Rudhams, North Creake, South Creake, Walsingham, Little Snoring and Great Snoring.

Thanks for reading

Lockdown key thoughts

Lockdown key thoughts on home security
Lockdown key thoughts
Lockdown key thoughts – As we enter another lockdown, home security might not be at the forefront of your mind, but be aware; Just yesterday, the delivery person for Amazon left two packages at my front door without so much as a knock or ring of the doorbell (four people in the house and no one heard a thing). Lockdown means we move to even more to on-line shopping and, despite the rules to have us stay at home, we are still doing school runs, grocery shopping and personal exercise. A package openly sat outside your front door may be enticing to an opportunist to make a quick grab. Please keep on top of your orders and if you can’t be in, talk to a neighbour to at least keep an eye out for the delivery. Don’t think asking the delivery driver to put the package in your unlocked shed is a good idea either. Sheds are one of the first places burglars look because the security is often extremely poor. Look in your local community paper for the police reports, sheds are often on the reports, with tools be stolen to make a quick turnaround at boot fairs, etc. Plus whatever other goodies you may have there.

The other place we do not secure enough is our garage. So many garages can be popped open with a single tool. And the locks are rarely difficult to pick for someone with a little time. We store so much in our garages these days, it hardly makes sense for the burglar to even bother with the house itself. Investing in a good garage door defender can make a huge difference. If you have lots of stuff in your garage, you should talk to your local locksmith today about better garage security.

CCTV is becoming ever more important for home security. A smart door cam will capture anyone approaching your front door whether they ring the bell or not. And if you are out, you can talk to the delivery person and tell them exactly where to put your package. HD, wireless smart cameras upload directly to the cloud, meaning no one can break in and then steal your recording device. They might not stop the thief but a combination of visible deterrents and smaller hidden cameras will get an image the police can use to convict the intruder.

Smart products continue to be ever more popular, but security and smart locks in the UK are a minefield. While most smart locks on the market may be fine for standards in countries like the USA, here in the UK our insurance quite rightly insists on locking and security products having a British Standard (BS) 3621 rating to show it has been tested against all the main attacks burglars use. Most smart locks do not reach this level and therefore buying a smart device without professional guidance may actually be making your security worse. That being said, there are now some excellent products for owners of second homes or holiday lets with limited access control that allows you to control who can access your property and when without the need for multiple keys or requiring guests to meet someone before they can start enjoying their holidays. As this is a tax deductible cost, there is nothing to stop you making sure your guests/traders/cleaners, etc have Covid safe entry to your property. If your local locksmith is not up to date with ways to do this, please message me and I can guide you to some excellent products.

Even safes are now going smart, with biometric options and attractive slim wall mounted safes that can be positioned at a level where people can get to them easily without having to get down low every time you want something. Many burglaries are facilitated by keys being left in the vicinity of the front door where they can be fished through the letter box. Having a wall mounted digital safe holding keys and a few other essentials, will cut down your chances of being attacked.

Smart alarm systems are more than just alerts that your home has been attacked. They can be tailored to incorporate smoke alarms, CO2 detectors and panic buttons. If you have an elderly relative and they have a fall, pressing a button on a remote around their neck auto dials pre-stored numbers until one picks up. They can then talk to you through the system, allowing you to asses the seriousness of the problem and decide on what action to take.

Home security is about looking more secure than your neighbours. If the burglar can see you are a harder target, they will seek easier pickings elsewhere. The cylinder of a traditional nightlatch (often called a “Yale”) and the cylinder of most UPVC doors can be picked in seconds by someone who is skilled enough. These locks are like magnets to the potential intruder, because they know the other ways to bypass these locks as well. Swapping these locks for visibly different anti-pick locks show the potential burglar that you mean business with your home security.

These are the standard barrels:


UPVC door barrel (Euro cylinder):

standard lock

And now the visibly different, better nightlatch barrel:

And kite marked Euro cylinder:

Kite marked lock AC Locksmiths

There are some kite marked products that still employ the old style keys, but you have to get up close to see these are kite marked. The locks using “dimple cut” keys and similar, are visibly different, meaning the burglar can often see from the road that you have better locks, making him less likely to even set foot on your property. And yes, your local locksmith will charge you more for products than you can find on line or even in some shops, but he only has a van and can only carry limited stock. But you can trust that he does not want to come back for a recall, so he will make sure he only fits quality products.

It may be you are looking for improved security for you or your family,  you may want them to be able to keep their independence, while having the safety net of being able to call you direct for help if they have a fall? You may need limited access solutions? Or you like the idea of a slim profile wall safe? Perhaps it would be easier for the emergency services to be given a code to unlock your frail relative’s door if you are not able to be near?  If you have any questions regarding the above information, please get in touch via any of the methods on my contacts page.

Thanks for reading!

Copy keys, insurance & locks

It’s been a while since my last blog, so there is plenty to update and remind.

Firstly, I hope all my customers and readers are well and that this Covid-19 Pandemic has not disrupted your lives too much. I know we have all been affected one way or another but can only wish that for you, reading this, those affects have been minimal.

That aside, the first lock related problem I want to talk about is copy keys. In emergency situations, your locksmith comes along and either fixes, or replaces your lock for you. You might get two or three new keys with the new lock. You also get a guarantee from the locksmith that the lock he has installed will last a certain amount of time. Now, you might need more keys cut. So, you go along to your local cobbler/engraver/chain key cutting company, etc and have some copies made. While I endorse the cobblers and engravers, as they usually have years of experience, the pride of running their own business and a local reputation to uphold, I am not so keen on the chain key cutting shops. These commonly have a high turnover of inexperienced staff who have no vested interest in getting the keys cut right. And the cost of returning to have the job done again, is barely worth the effort, so usually we let it slide. But 90% of the problems I encounter regarding badly cut keys come from these chain shops.
AC Locksmiths

But all key cutters have one outstanding issue. Cheap blanks. There are hundreds of different brands of lock out there, and even more variants within each brand. But one cheap, unbranded blank might work for several different lock brands, so it makes sense for them to use the cheaper unbranded blank to copy your key. While this is all well and good for them, it is not so good for you. Using a badly copied key technically invalidates any guarantee your locksmith left you when he fitted your lock. I have encountered this very problem just this morning. A customer has called me back to a lock that has started to not work quite so well when being operated from one side of the door. The first key I was given to try was a copy. With the copy, the lock caught almost every time I tried to turn it. With an original, it took me ten tries to repeat the problem. Was the fault there before? Not when I first tested the lock. Would it have happened anyway? We cannot know because a new element has been added that is now a potential problem. And that is where the guarantee becomes invalid. Now I am not an evil locksmith. I have given my customer the benefit of the doubt and am replacing the lock with extra keys that will have been machine precision cut by my supplier and guaranteed with the lock. All the keys will be hard wearing steel rather than the soft brass alloy key cutters use to make their cutting blades last longer.

If you are having locks replaced, ask your locksmith to supply all extra keys at the same time. It will cost more, but your guarantee will remain valid and your locks will last longer. If you must get your keys cut elsewhere, ask for genuine steel blanks. This will cost more and you might have to come back after the genuine blanks have been ordered, but your key cutter will triple check he has made a good copy, because he will not want to throw away expensive blanks. Always use the originals as the most used keys. Don’t give an original to the cleaner if the cleaner only comes in once a week. Don’t give an original as the emergency spare to a neighbour who will hopefully never have need to use it. And if you need more than three additional keys, you will be better off buying a keysafe, putting an original key inside it and giving visitors the safe combination rather than a key they can lose anyway. For people who need carers, holiday lets, even long term tenancy lets, the people who use the door most are the people who should have the original keys. Especially the holiday lets. The very last thing you want is someone leaving a comment on trip advisor saying their holiday was ruined because the cheap key broke in the lock and they had to wait hours for the locksmith.

If you are having locks changed, ask your locksmith about extra keys at the time you are having the work done. You might have to wait an extra couple of days, but it will be worth it.

My next continuing point is to mention insurance requirements again. In your buildings and contents insurance there will be a sentence that says something similar to this:

All final exit doors should be secured by a five lever mortice deadlock or equivalent.

If you have a door where you must lift the handles before turning the key, that is fine with your insurance. While these doors often have approximately 5 different locking points, they are not what your insurance is talking about. These are called multi-point locking mechanisms. Some have just three locking points, while others have as many as nine. But all of those count for nothing if you have a weak locking barrel. While insurance companies are still satisfied with basic barrels (despite much lobbying from the locksmith industry), you should ask your locksmith to fit a BSI3621 kitemarked barrel for you. These can be anti-pick, anti-bump, anti-drill, anti-snap or all of these and more. You can get versions in your local DIY store, but your locksmith will know the very best ones around.

If your lock does not require the lifting of handles before locking, then it will almost certainly be a wooden door and that will require either a five lever mortice lock or equivalent as stated. A mortice lock sits mostly inside the door and many people in the UK still refer to these as ‘Chubb’ locks, which is ironic as the Chubb brand sold this branch of it’s company to Union and no longer manufactures them itself. But mortice locks come in three types. 2 lever, 3 lever and five lever. Technically, there are seven lever variants as well, but these are rare. The 2 lever and 3 lever variants are designed for low level security. Internal doors or locks on sheds, summer houses, etc. They should not be on final exit doors. Here in Norfolk, I find an insane number of inadequate locks on properties. I am about to start a job that is a relatively new self-build where the person who built the house did a lovely neat job of fitting totally inadequate locks. If you look at lock faceplate on the leading edge of your door, it will tell you how many levers the lock has. If it says 5 levers, you are fine. Better still if it has a British Standard Kite mark to show it has been tested against all sorts of attacks. Anything less than 5 levers and you are not up to insurance standards. If the lock is so old all indicators have worn away, then its time for a new lock anyway.
Kite marked lock AC Locksmiths

The other alternative is the night latch, often called a ‘Yale’ lock. These are only acceptable if they have the British Standard kite mark.

Please check your own locks and if you know people who might not know or be able to check for themselves, have a little look for them. If you are unsure, a good local locksmith will do a free security check with no obligations.

Finally, for this blog an update on my services. Covid-19 has forced me to branch out even further. So here is an updated selection of the things I can do for my customers in Norfolk.

Emergency call outs (domestic and commercial)

Free security checks (domestic and commercial)

Lock upgrades (domestic and commercial)

Vehicle key production and programming

Emergency vehicle entry

Wireless smart alarm supply and installation (domestic)

Interior CCTV supply and installation (domestic).

UPVC window valeting service (domestic – please check for details)

Light house clearance (please talk to me before paying others)

UPVC door adjustments (domestic and commercial)

Thanks for reading,


Besides your mobile phone, what is the most important thing you carry around with you every day? Very few people even think about their keys, but without them you cannot function. Be it getting into your home or office, or starting your keys are always needed. So when was the last time you bothered to look at your keys, clean them even, or check that they were not bent or damaged in any other way?

Scandanavian locks 2

A lot of locks fail because the keys being used to operate them are worn, damaged or badly cut copies. I’ve seen people try their best to service their own locks, but then fail to keep the actual keys clean. We know toddlers love to put keys in their mouths and we snatch those keys away because we know they are dirty, but we never even give those grubby, bacteria ridden lumps of metal so much as a quick scrub to remove surface dirt.

The bodies at the top of the locksmithing industry in the UK suggest that we locksmiths should tell you to change your locks every 5 years, one of the main reasons for this is that people just do not maintain their locks, or they use too many copies that are cut poorly. So here are my top tips for keys:

1. Keep your keys clean. I know it is obvious, but I see loads of grubby keys, especially in the work place or where anyone needs a big bunch of keys. Dirt and grime collects in the grooves, which is then transferred into the lock where it builds up, wearing away the internal moving parts. Hot, soapy water and a stiff nail brush should get rid of the worst of it and be sure to dry the key straight away so as to avoid rust.

2. Only take the keys you need. Big bunches of keys just rub against each other and generally wear away. If you have mortice (Chubb) keys with thin prongs, those prongs are likely to get bent far easier when the keys are on a big bunch. Separate your keys into smaller bunches for use when you need them. This will also keep the keys cleaner.

3. Don’t get too many copies made. Any more than four keys is going to be more expensive than a basic keysafe. If you run a business, giving staff members the code to the keysafe that can be changed is a lot better than chasing them to return their key when they leave, and if they leave under nefarious circumstances, you might have to change your locks when they don’t return their key. A keysafe just requires changing the code to the keysafe. It also saves a load of bad copies wearing out the lock quicker.

4. Having said that, do not let your stash of keys run down to just the one, especially if that one is a copy. You should always be in possession of a branded original key for the lock. All locks come with at least two keys. If you only have one, not only are you going to be in trouble when you eventually lose it, but that means there is at least one other key in someone’s possession who can gain access to a door you want to secure, be it your home or workplace.

5. If you need to get copies made, always keep the originals as primary use. Just the other day, I attended a job in Blakeney where the lock wasn’t opening or locking on one side. I asked the customer to fetch me the original keys which worked just fine. Your original branded keys are the most important. Treat them with the utmost care. If you need to change your locks, think about how many keys you might need and get you locksmith to order them with your new lock.

6. If you must keys cut at a later date, shy away from chain outlets. They have a higher turnover of staff who are not always trained to high standards. Your local engraver/cobbler will be running their own business and will more likely have years of experience. But, they will not often have genuine branded blanks. Be prepared to demand genuine branded keys, even if that means coming back a few days later and paying more for the keys. The key cutter will take even more care to cut the key perfectly as they will not want you coming back with a bad cut key. It will cost them more to honour a guarantee of a good cut if the blank is branded.

7. As said above, any more than four keys should be negated by a basic keysafe, but it is worth investing in a high quality keysafe. Dial keysafes are easier to change the codes on, so perfect for holiday lets, etc, but push button keysafes are more secure and so better for the home where you might not need to change the code too often. Keysafes should be positioned near the door the key inside is going to open, but not on general view if avoidable. If you can position in a corner, or make the angles difficult for levers or hammers, then even better, but most burglars ignore keysafes as they can usually find easier ways in.

8. Many new high security locks are coming with special keys. At least one brand uses a magnet in the key. From personal experience, I can tell you not to have these keys anywhere near vehicle keys as the small magnetic field can scramble the signal between car and car key transceiver.

9. If you have a digital safe, hand the override keys to a trusted friend or family member. There is no point keeping the keys in the house where the burglar might find them. But do not keep the keys inside the safe – they will be useless to you if the batteries fail. If you only have a manual key safe, again give one of the keys to a friend or family member and ensure the second key is not left in the home while you are out.

AC locksmiths Auto

10. The glove compartment is not the place for your spare car key. The only person who can possible benefit from the key being there is the car thief.

11. If you drive to your holiday destination and it is more than a hundred miles from home, take the spare key to the car. Leave it in the holiday accommodation, because there is nothing worse than having to call a locksmith knowing you could get in yourself if you had the spare nearby.

12. If you have a special knack for unlocking your door, or you have to hold the key at a certain angle, either the key or your lock is not right. Check the key before any further damage is done. If it’s not the key, then change the lock before it fails completely just before you need to be in and out for an important event.

If you have any questions regarding any of the points raised above or in any of my other blogs, please contact me through any of the channels mentioned on my contacts page. (Text gets fasted response).

Thanks for reading!

Lessons 10 years as a locksmith has taught me

What I have learned after 10 years as a Locksmith?

AC Locksmiths Norfolk

Lessons 10 years as a locksmith has taught me:

1. The multipoint locking mechanism on a double glazed door (or any door where you lift the handles before locking) is NOT a five lever lock. Five levers refers to the internal levers in a mortice lock which sits inside a wooden door.

2. All of those hooks, bolts, mushrooms, and rollers on a lift handle door mean nothing when burglars can attack the lock barrel easily. Having the correct barrel is vitally important and while you might get the insurance company to reimburse your financial loss, they cannot replace the heirloom given to you by Grandma that has enormous sentimental value. If your locking barrels do not have British Standard kite marks, you are practically inviting burglars into your home.

3. Home security is not necessarily about keeping intruders out. We all know they can smash a window. But they do not want to leave through that window carrying your stuff. You are looking to make it as hard as possible for them to leave with their arms full.

4. Look at your neighbour’s house when thinking about home security. Your aim should always be to make them look like an easier target. Crunchy gravel, CCTV, alarms, sensor lights are instant barriers before they even reach your door. Burglars recognise good locks and will go elsewhere. Your local locksmith knows the best brands you can’t buy on the high street.

5. That sneaky place you hide a spare key in the garden is glaringly obvious to the burglar. You are much better off with a quality keysafe.

6. You do not need multiple keys for carers. A keysafe can be much cheaper and easier for all. No more worries when keys go missing.

7. A home safe is not just about deterring criminals. A good one will protect important documents in the event of a fire. But batteries should be changed annually whether the low battery warning beeps or not, and override keys should be kept with a trusted neighbour or family member. Leaving the keys inside the safe is not a clever idea.

8. Taking your car on holiday? Make sure your partner takes the spare key. Nothing worse than calling a locksmith to open your vehicle when you lock the keys in the boot knowing a spare key is at home. Do not leave the spare key in the glove compartment.

9. Very few smart locks conform to BS3621, meaning they are not covered by your insurance.

10. Most lock failures can be avoided. If you notice your lock is getting harder to operate, or you have a special knack for opening the door, then something is wrong and needs addressing. It will be cheaper to sort now and if you don’t, the chances are it will fail when you are stuck in the pouring rain and are desperate to get in because you need to get ready for that important date/job interview/wedding/etc.

11. Hanging keys on a hook in plain sight of your door, or putting them in a dish/on a saucer near the front door is not good. Most luxury cars are stolen from drives after thieves use tools to hook keys through the letterbox. Seal the letter plate on your door and install a post box at the end of your garden. The postie and those who deliver your paper will love you for it.

12. Burglar alarms are not just about burglars; They now come with optional extras like smoke alarms and panic buttons allowing you to call a family member and talk to them through the system if you take a fall and cannot get back up.

Lessons 10 years as a locksmith has taught me

13. Modern CCTV puts you in control. If you post images or film of a crime, the local community might help. A friend knew someone who did this when Christmas decorations were stolen from their garden. The theft was captured by a smart doorcam and posted. Locals soon identified the thief and the stolen items were returned (along with a box of chocolates!).

14. If you need to get copies of keys made, still use the originals as your primary keys. Ask your local key cutter to order genuine branded blanks, even if it costs more and you have to come back. 90% of my recalls for faulty locks end up being poor copies not working properly. When you order a new lock, think about the number of keys you need, and order them at the same time. If you need more than four extra keys, a keysafe can be cheaper.

15. Plastic doors are just as prone to weather conditions as wooden doors. Be aware of direct sunlight and salty sea air. Check regularly for signs of rust. Lubricate your doors every time you change your clocks (spring and autumn). You can find out how by reading my blog on door maintenance.

16. The industry recommends changing your locks every 5 years, especially when keys have been handed to builders, carers, lost by teens, etc. While 5 years might seem a bit too much, adult children might do well to check their older parents’ locks. Many older houses are simply not up to insurance standard. If you cannot find a British standard kite mark on their lock, they are probably paying insurance for nothing as the insurers will not pay out in the event of a burglary.

17. Making a new car key when you have one to copy from is much cheaper than calling out the emergency locksmith when you are stuck in the rain and locked out of your vehicle because you just dropped your car key down a drain. And some cars, like Fords, will require you to make two new keys when all keys are lost as the car will not start without two keys programmed and the process automatically deletes all existing keys.

18. Cloning a car key means any lost/stolen keys will still start your vehicle. Making new keys allows you to ensure only the keys you hold will start the vehicle.

19. Car keys have a huge difference in prices from vehicle to vehicle for many reasons. Some can only be reproduced with genuine branded parts. Others require the removal of the dashboard in order to read a certain computer chip. While most can be done on the day, you might find yourself without the use of your vehicle for some time. Another reason to have a spare key made when convenient rather than leave it to an emergency.

20. Everything comes in all shapes and sizes. Locks are no different. Beware of what you buy in shops or on the internet as they might not be the easy DIY job you were expecting. Always consult a professional locksmith. For example, lots of internet-based car key makers advertise Landrover Discovery keys, but these can only be produced by the manufacturer. In the home, only Chubb branded locks fit exactly into the place where a Chubb lock has been before. Any other brand will need carpentry work and movement of handles (which might expose paintwork that needs touching up that might lead to the painting of the whole door, meaning a quick job becomes a whole day event).

Thanks for reading. Please call us to find out more or ask any questions.

Keys on Show

Thumb turnYesterday, I got to called to a house where the customers had accidently shut themselves out of their house. A nice easy job, I thought. Most nightlatches (often referred to as ‘Yale’ type locks) are simple to bypass. As I arrived, I got a bit more excited. The lock was a kite marked BSI 3621 variety, meaning I was in for more of a challenge and probably late for the next job of the day.

But the challenge was not to be. The door had a convenient window and less than an arm’s distance away, hanging on hooks, were all the customer’s keys. Flexible metal rod through the letter box and less than a minute later, the door was open. No special tools. On any given day, a burglar could have done the same thing and entered the house, or as is becoming more common, got the displayed car keys, and easily taken the car.

Car theft is growing in the UK with most cars now being stolen direct from the driveway or with signal cloning. The thieves know we keep our keys near the front door, so having them in plain view is just an open invitation to have your car stolen.

Most of us put front door keys and car keys together, so you need to leave your bunch near the front door in case of fire. But you can put them in a wall mounted cupboard with a door, or even a key safe. Some key safes now come protected from signal cloning.

While we are talking about signal cloning, Faraday pouches are a great way to protect your keys while you are out and about. These are signal protecting pouches for your keys.

If you wish to know more about any of the above, please get in touch via my contacts page.

Thanks for reading.

Key Safes

Don’t hide a spare key:

Key safes are not just for holiday homes and people who need multiple carers. There are many advantages to having key safe for every home. Many people ask me to do work when they are not home and often, I am told that there will be a spare key hidden under some obviously different stone or other hiding place. This is just asking for trouble because an experienced burglar knows to look out for these things. You have to hide the key somewhere pretty obvious or else you forget where it is and can’t find it when you need it. And so, all the burglar needs to do is think to himself where he would hide a key and that’s an easy entry into your home. Your key might go undisturbed for years, but if your sentimental belongings are stolen, you will wish you had done all you could to make that as hard as possible.


The other advantage of a key safe is convenience. As I write this, I am stuck with my vehicle in a garage having repairs. Typically, my phone has not stopped ringing as people need me to let them in because they have lost their keys. Customers I could have got to in minutes are now waiting hours for locksmiths who are out of the area. If they had a spare key in a key safe, they would not even have had reason to call me. Teens are also great at losing keys, so having a key for them in a key safe can save you having to change your locks, although regular changing of the code would be advised in this instance. I have also had customers with dementia constantly losing keys, having a back-up in a key safe can save them having to wait in the cold for a locksmith.

Key safes come in many shapes and sizes. Really good ones might be more expensive, but cheap ones are of little use if they are easy to break into. Burglars, like locksmiths know if it is going to be worth their time attempting to get in. Many people believe that if an intruder wants to get in, he will. If he has to destroy your key safe to get a key, that will work out a lot cheaper to replace than if he does serious damage to your door and frame.

If you would like any more information regarding key safes or any other topics discussed in my blogs, please you the contacts page to find out how to get in touch.

Thanks for reading.