Common key & lock mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Common key & lock mistakes – And How To Avoid Them

Key & Lock mistakes

It has been a while since I have produced a blog helping you to avoid needing to call out people like me. So here is a short list of common, avoidable mistakes people make that might just help you not make those same mistakes, hopefully saving you time and money.

Safe Keys

Putting override keys inside your battery operated safe: Safes are great, but if you have a key operated safe, the safe is only as good as the place you hide the key. People are quite obvious in hiding places, so digital safes are a lot better then simple key turn safes. The only problem is that digital safes have master key overrides and the safest place for these keys is in the safe itself. But if you only use your safe rarely there is a good chance you will forget about it, It gets placed in a built in cupboard, covered in clothes and out of sight, out of mind. The batteries start to die and because it is covered in clothes, you don’t hear the warning beep and pretty soon, you have a keypad that you cannot use. Thankfully, you have override keys…. But they are inside the safe. At this point, you can call a domestic locksmith who will gain access by destroying your safe and you will have to pay him for the privilege. You then have to buy a new safe. Potentially £100s because you forgot to change the batteries and left the override keys inside the safe. You can try a safe specialist to come and pick the lock, but the cost might still be £100s because safe specialists are rare (the courses and equipment are expensive) and they don’t get many calls compared to standard locksmiths.

How to avoid disaster? Firstly, take those override keys and trust a family member/good friend to look after them for you. If their house gets broken into and a burglar finds your safe keys, they have no idea what safe they open or where it is. But if they find those keys in your house, they can get into your safe. So, get those keys away from your property. Surprisingly, now your keys are not easily accessible in your safe, you will be more likely to check your batteries! But don’t rely on that. Check how long your safe manufacturer says batteries should last and halve it. Write on the calendar when to change the batteries. Use the old batteries for something else, but keep new batteries in your safe. I love Autumn and Spring because we change our clocks and this gives us a great time to do other things like regular battery changes. Have a list of other maintenance things to do like pre-winter gutter cleaning, etc, and put safe battery changes on that list. This will ensure that if you do have to call someone to open your safe, it will be because something has gone wrong rather than having to explain an expensive memory failure.

Car keys on holiday

I wish I had a sum of money for every time someone called me to say they lost their keys on the beach and the spare car key is 400 miles away on the other side of the country… Oh wait, I do! When you drive somewhere on holiday, take your spare key. When you get to your hotel/air B&B/caravan, etc leave your key somewhere safe at your destination. If you lose your car key, it will be a lot cheaper to get a bus/cab back to your holiday base than it will to call an auto locksmith to come and make a new key on the spot for you. A lot quicker too. Even when you go out on a normal day, if you have someone with you, get them to carry the spare key. If you bring the spare out and leave it in the glove box, you are making life difficult for everyone except car thieves.

Letter boxes

Sticking with cars, most cars are stolen from driveways or outside homes using the keys which have been lifted – either because the front door is left unlocked, or the thief has fished the keys through the letter box. Tools for opening locked doors via the letterbox are getting cheaper, easier to use, and ever more sophisticated. Even if you have an angled guard, there is a tool that goes around it. You might think this is a step back to your Grandma’s house, but a letter basket with closing lid, is a great way to foil the letterbox thief. Better still, seal up the letterbox, and have an external box. If you have room, get one that is big enough for parcels, We get so much delivered these days, a lockable parcel box is a great idea. At the same time, door cams record anyone approaching your door and will have images sent to your phone before they can vandalize it. But I digress..

Copy keys

If you are renting out a holiday home or have multiple carers, etc, get a locksmith to install a new lock, with all new, branded additional keys tried and tested before the lock goes in. Almost every time I get called back to job where the lock has failed, the customer shows me  a key that has been copied elsewhere on some poor-quality blank. If you get keys copied and they foul up the lock, that is invalidating any guarantee the locksmith gives you, but if you are using additional keys supplied with the lock at time of installation, you are completely covered. But, if you must get copies made, make sure the original keys are the ones that get used most. I.E. let the guests use them. Yes, they might lose them (less likely if you request a deposit), but if they have poor quality keys and the lock fails and they are locked out waiting for a locksmith who destroys the lock getting in, the cost just multiplies. If you need multiple carers, please get a keysafe. It is better than having to collect keys later and ensures better keys are used.

5 lever locks

Know your terminology; there is a difference between a five lever mortice lock and a multipoint locking system. If you have a wooden door the mortice lock, (often called a ‘Chubb’ lock) is the one that should be 5 levers. If you look at the front plate, It will tell you that it is either 2, 3 5 levers and preferably will display a British Standard kite mark that tells you it has been tested against picking, drilling, sawing and most other forms of attack. If you have a door where you lift the handle and various hooks/bolts/mushrooms, etc. move, this is not a five lever lock. This is a multi-point locking system and your insurance is happy with that, which is bizarre because these systems are only as good as the locking barrel you put your key into and insurance companies are yet to wake up to how easy these can be to bypass. Again, digressing, but please talk to your local locksmith about kite-marked barrels. And if your architect/builder/designer tries to tell you these new multi-point doors without handles are a good idea, ignore them. When there is no handle, all the force of opening the door goes through the key. The leverage ratio is tiny compared doors with nice big handles, and at some point, you will snap your key in your lock.


My last one for this blog; Just the other day, I fixed a basic lock on the top half of a stable door. It was not insurance compliant. When I challenged the customer regarding this and told him that his insurance company would not pay out if he were burgled, he replied with one I have heard often: ‘This is Norfolk. Although I know someone in the next village got burgled and lost a lot, it’s highly unlikely I will.’ So why pay for insurance at all? If you are paying for insurance, you owe it to yourself to make sure you are compliant. A second house this week is having three locks replaced after one has stopped working. I pointed out the three locks were all 3 lever and not insurance compliant, so the customer in this case, ordered new locks without delay. If you have an older house, don’t just assume the locks are up to spec. Most decent locksmiths do a free security check and, speaking for myself, when I do security checks I will tell you where advice is necessary and where advice is just personal recommendation.

This article about insurance required locks is quite good.

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please get in touch.

Thanks for reading

More Common Locksmith Questions Answered

Common Locksmith questions I am asked
AC Locksmiths Norfolk

 What is Lock Snapping?

This is a particularly vile form of attack burglars use to break in where the house has a upvc or composite door (any door where you lift the handle before locking). The intruders use simple tools to rip the handles off the door and then break the lock itself to gain access to a small lever inside the door that unlocks all the hooks and bolts. It takes less than 60 seconds with ordinary hand tools. If you have a upvc or composite door, look just below where your key fits and you will see a brand name. If you do not also see the British Standard Kitemark, you are definitely at risk of this type of attack. Moreover, I have come across some kite marked locks that still fail to protect. You should always consult your local locksmith when upgrading locks as they have the knowledge and experience to sort the good from the bad. At the time of writing, AC Locksmiths Norfolk are upgrading superior locking euro cylinders to properties in Sheringham and Holt.

How long does it take to fix a broken lock?

This really depends on the lock. Some of the simplest cabinet locks with small parts and tight springs can take surprisingly long if you don’t want to damage the expensive furniture they are housed in. Sometimes, a part inside may have broken and gotten itself lodged out of sight. In my experience, half of the repairs I do are routine and half throw up something completely unique, or at least very uncommon. Just the other day, I was working on a composite door in Fakenham where the only way I could get the door open was to hammer the hooks into the open position as a gear had broken and become stick within the locking mechanism. Doing this with all the wrong angles and trying to preserve the door as well slows a job down. There is a quick way to do every job. If we are taking a long time, it’s because we care about your property. Time frustrates us as well. For a locksmith, there is nothing worse than leaving one job knowing you are already late for the next one, especially in rural areas where phone signal problems deny you the chance to explain to that next customer.

How long should I expect to wait in an emergency?

This all depends on how large an area your locksmith covers, time of day and what work the locksmith is currently doing. Larger companies and the Nationals who sub-contract can usually find someone to be with you within 2 hours, but it is surprising how often people get a call near the end of those two hours to say their locksmith has broken down! A genuine local locksmith can usually be with you in a sensible time. For example, my base is in Holt and if you need me to attend an emergency in Aylsham or Cromer, I can usually get to you easily within the hour. If you need me in Downham Market, or Stalham, or Caister, then you need to expect me to take an hour and a half to two hours. If I am working on a job when you call, I will give you a realistic expectation of time and update you as often as possible. If that time is too long, I will suggest another locksmith, but I can neither guarantee their ability to get to you sooner or the quality of their work.

Do you carry the parts to fix my locks?

In almost all cases we can fix or replace your lock, and if we can’t fix it on the first visit, we can make your door secure until we have had a chance to order the parts required. Carrying everything for every occasion would mean towing a small DIY store around with us! Before writing this blog today, I attended a property in Fakenham where they need a completely new mechanism for their composite door. The brand they need has about 20 different variations of mechanisms and that brand is only one of about 15 common brands, so I have locked their door and rendered it usable in emergencies only. The new part will be with me tomorrow. There is no additional charge for the second visit, just the cost of the part itself and my standard flat fee. Beware, some locksmiths will charge labour for every visit.

Do you cover evenings and weekends?

Yes. AC Locksmiths Norfolk is a 24/7 365 day per year service. However, I am human. I do like to celebrate peoples’ birthdays and observe other traditions and even sometimes get to go on holiday. My phone is always on me. If I cannot cover emergencies, my voicemail will tell you so. If I am away and cannot answer the phone, for non-emergencies always leave a voicemail and if possible, back it up with a quick text and I will get back to you with honest advice, and/or work timeframe estimations. Unlike many other locksmiths, my flat fee labour charge is fixed. So if you have an emergency on Sunday evening in Dereham, the labour charge will be exactly the same as if you call me out on Wednesday morning from Reepham. Pricing for distance is a little different when dealing with car keys due to the minimum amount of time they take to produce, but when you call me, you can be sure you are getting a fair price.

Should I change the locks when I move home?

Yes. If the home has had people living in it before you, you just cannot know how many copies of keys have been made. I once changed locks for a couple in Norwich who after having been moved in for six months, found a neighbour ‘just checking’ their home after they had not arrived back at their usual time. This neighbour had been given a key by the previous owner to use in emergencies. If you move into a new home on a large complex, the developer will have fitted the same brand and types of lock in all the houses on that development. Statistics show that several properties will have keys that open other properties on the estate. Best to change to a completely different brand and upgrade.

What are the insurance requirements for homes in the UK?

For wooden doors, insurance usually states a five-lever mortice lock on all final exit doors or a kite marked equivalent. Basically, if the locks on your wooden door do not have kite marks, then they are probably not covered unless you have a special agreement because of preservation orders, etc. Some five lever mortice locks do not have kite marks and are fine with your insurance, but make life so much easier for the burglar. Be very careful when looking at ‘smart’ locks as many will actually downgrade your security. For upvc and composite doors, there is no kitemark requirement for most insurers, but having kite marked cylinders might well reduce your premiums. For peace of mind, you should always upgrade to kite marked products. At a time when we are all worried certain standards will drop after we leave the EU, rest assured, in many cases the kitemark outstrips EU standards in the area of locks. Insurers will try all things to get out of paying. If you have a kite marked lock and the burglar does manage to defeat it, the insurer might inspect your home and find another lock that does not meet standards and refuse to pay because you have a lock that does not conform. All ground floor windows should have locks and most insurers will insist on first-floor windows as well with a note that all accessible windows be lockable. If you have children of any age, window locks or cable restrictors are highly advisable anyway as kids are very good at falling from windows and they make such a fuss when bones break!

If you have any questions regarding the above, please don’t hesitate to get in contact via any of the usual methods found on my contacts page.

Thanks for reading
AC  Locksmiths Norfolk

When to call a locksmith

This is a piece I really should not have to write, but all too often, people call me out for reasons that could easily be avoided or they have called me out too late for an expensive repair, when avoiding the problem was possible.

Common reasons to avoid using a locksmith:

A C Locksmiths Norfolk

So, let’s start with cars. If you are going to lose your car keys, or lock them inside your car, the chances are, you are going to do it when your spare key is stuck back home at the opposite end of the country.  I have done a fair few jobs now where people have been on holiday/visiting distant relatives/doing distance work, etc and they leave their spare car key at home rather than bring it with them to leave in their temporary accommodation. Car entry is not cheap, and it might mean you lose a half day waiting for the auto locksmith to arrive, which will put a downer on your holiday, or might mean you have to see those distant relatives for longer than you wanted, or that you lose the sale you travelled halfway across the country to get. At the same time, please remember to actually remove the spare key from your car when you arrive at your destination. If you are locked out of your vehicle, having the spare in the glove box is no help.

The next common one with cars, is not having a spare. When I am cutting keys at local boot sales, people ask me about prices and sometimes, the spare key is as nearly as much as their second hand car cost them in the first place. But why buy a car with only one key, especially when that key is on its’ last legs? A bargain vehicle only remains a bargain if you can drive it. I also get to see some very sorry looking remote fobs for cars. Cloning a remote fob before it gets to be useless can be a lot cheaper than generating a complete new key from scratch, especially with Fords that must always have two separate keys programmed when starting from new. And, as I said above, a spare is useless if you keep it in the glove compartment.

Never, never, never put your car keys down in your boot area. So many people open their boot at the supermarket, put the keys just inside the boot and then load the shopping. They then close the boot, having not unlocked the rest of the car and are now locked out, often with the spare in the glove compartment! (Have I mentioned that common mistake?) If you are approaching your car, when you unlock your boot, make it a habit to unlock the doors as well. And do not put your keys down anywhere in your vehicle. It might not be cool to hang your keys from a belt loop, but it might just save you the cost of a weekly family shop if you don’t have to call the locksmith. When in and around your car, only let go of the keys when they are in the ignition, and you are sat comfortably ready to drive.

People make just as many mistakes in the home. Children should never be given keys to play with. Besides the whole hygiene issue, they have a nasty habit of sticking keys into keyholes that they were not built for, thus breaking the key and often the lock as well. While on the subject of kids, if you have a bathroom lock that is getting a bit stiff, have it repaired or replaced before a small child locks himself/herself in and you are faced with hours of panic waiting for the locksmith to arrive. I recently went to a job where a toddler had locked himself in the bathroom and the lock disintegrated, with the broken bits obstructing the bits that needed to move. You can imagine the stress that poor child was under when I came along with my noisy drills and hammers, taking my time to ensure nothing flew open into the child’s face.

Got a night latch (Yale type latch lock)? Don’t trust the snib to hold that latch back even if you are just popping into the garden for a few minutes. Take your key. Pets and children are very good at closing doors with enough vibration to release the latch and lock you out with themselves on the inside and pans on the cooker (it can and does happen).

If you have a door with a multipoint locking system, oil it twice a year. Make it part of your routine when you change the clocks in spring and autumn. Use a good quality lubricant and squirt it everywhere you can see moving parts (lift the handles up and down with the door open to see) and then, when you hold the handles down to retract the latch, you will see a small gap the allows you squirt more lubricant into the heart of the mechanism. Give this about a five second squirt and work the handles up and down a few times to get the lubricant into those moving parts. This simple exercise can save you a very expensive visit from your locksmith.

Lubricate all other locks as well. They get full of grit. Insects make nests behind handles and in lock cavities. Regular lubrication will keep your lock clean and lasting longer.

Finally, I get a lot of calls from customers telling me their key works on one side of the lock (Chubb/mortice locks), but not the other. My first reaction is to tell them to try a different key and more often than not, that sorts out the problem. They have just managed to bend a prong on the key itself. Always check other keys before thinking your lock is broken. Not all locksmiths will give you a free solution over the phone.


If you have any questions regarding the information above, or have any other issues, please get in touch via my contacts page.


Thanks for reading.




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Locked Out – Who you gonna call?

One of the most common problems I come up against is people accidentally sliding the snib that activates the latch on a Yale-type lock. Because people do not realise they have done this, the door is hard to close and is then slammed shut and forgotten about until the key holder returns to find their key does not turn the lock.

Once the door has been closed with the latch activated, the only way to de-activate it is from the inside; the key will not work until this has been done. Locksmiths carry tools to manipulate the inner latch from the outside, but the door needs to have a good size letter box, and some light on the subject is particularly useful – as locksmiths may use mirrors to help see what they are doing. The pressure put on the latch when the door has slammed, can make the snib very stiff to manipulate.

Sometimes the only way to get past this problem (this really is the last resort) is to drill out the front part of the lock, and remove it before taking up a heavy masonry chisel and smashing the rear part of the lock off from the outside, which runs the risk of damaging the door as the fixing screws are ripped out.

The way to avoid the possibility of this happening is to invest in a British Standard auto-deadlocking night latch. These have the same, general operation as the standard night latch or “Yale” type locks, but with a few differences; Firstly, they are more resistant to picking, drilling and other forms of attack, making them much more secure. You can only use the latch mechanism when the bolt is retracted, making all the above problems go away in one fell swoop, and because of this, the normal sliding snib is replaced by a push button that can only be operated when the bolt is being held back, so no accidental operation.

The other great thing about these locks is their longevity. In my time as a locksmith, I have attended mechanical failures of mortice locks, upcv cylinders and standard yale locks on a fairly regular basis. In fact, most of my work involves replacing faulty locks of the above types, but so far, I have only had to get into one British Standard Night latch, which I am thankful for because the toll on my tools was impressive, making it a great bit of kit to deter unwanted intruders.

While these locks are not cheap, they can save the cost of a more expensive door repair should the accidental snib slide happen to you.

Thanks for reading.