Locksmiths Great Yarmouth
Locksmiths Great Yarmouth
£50 labour is the price you pay when you use AC Locksmiths. That’s an average of £40 less than the national companies who advertise locally and then sub-contract out the work to small tradesmen such as ourselves. So when you put in a search for Locksmiths Great Yarmouth, you will probably find the first three companies have a local number, yet when you ring them, their central office is elsewhere in the country. The costs for these places on search engines are huge and only the big companies can afford it. But they afford it by charging their customers high prices for the work that they don’t even do themselves. Then there is the VAT as well, something we do not currently charge.
AC Locksmiths Norfolk is based in Holt but covers the whole Norfolk area. While the average time to a job in Great Yarmouth may be just over an hour, we will give you a realistic time of arrival and keep you updated of any changes. You may have other Great Yarmouth Locksmiths who are genuine to the area, but you may want to check certain things; – are they sure enough of their prices to advertise them on their website? We do. Do they increase their prices for evenings and weekends? We don’t. Do they hold CRB checks, public liability insurance and NCFE level 3 qualifications? We do.
If your search for Locksmiths Great Yarmouth brings you to this page, please take a look at the rest of our website and take a look at the genuine customer testimonials and the helpful information contained within the blogs. We even try to save our customers more money by offering special deals that last for the financial year. AC Locksmiths Norfolk should be the people you use when you require a locksmith in Great Yarmouth.