Security Chains


Having recently read the local crime report, I see that distraction burglaries have started up again. This is where someone comes to your front door, with some excuse to keep you talking. They might be selling something, or posing as a charity worker, or one of many other things that can be used to keep your attention.

While they have you listening to them at the front door, their partner in crime is in the back looking for anything of value that can be stolen. This is a great time of year for it as many of us have our back doors wide open in the heat to allow cool air through the house. It’s almost too easy for them, especially as they prey more on the elderly and vulnerable.

Many people have security chains on their front doors so they can see either the face, or the credentials, of the person they might be potentially letting into their home, but how many of us put a chain on the back door as well?  It would take a second or two to ensure the security chain was on your back door (if you had one fitted), before going to see who your unannounced visitor was and if it was a hoax, then the potential back door burglar would not be able enter without making a huge racket and thus, alerting you to their presence.

Alternatively, you may be the sort of person who likes an afternoon nap in our current hot weather. A security chain on the back door allows you to still let the cooler air in and keeps the opportunist out.

 AC Locksmiths Norfolk can come and fit a security chain in less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea. (Although we always say “yes” when one is offered.)  We can also talk to you about all your security needs and help make sure the opportunist thief moves on elsewhere.  We will also be sympathetic to financial constraints and will endeavour to make recommendations with various options to suit all budgets. 

 Thanks for reading!

Locks and Insurance standards explained
Updating your home security


  1. Security chains are a brilliant idea for all home-owners. Nice post =)

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