
Commercial property owners beware! New legislation means that squatting in a residential property now carries a fine of up to £5,000 or a year in jail but this only applies to residential property and now owners of commercial properties are at more risk as this new legislation does not encompass comercial property. If you are a commercial property owner, then now is the time to make sure your security is up to standard. It is being advised that owners of empty commercial buildings should have caaretakers in place to look after the buildings but 24 hour monitoring could be a prohibitive cost. Very often, we find old empty buildings have some of the poorest locks making them prone to vandals and squatters alike. AC Locksmiths do complete security checks for free. We will tell you our reccomendations at time of survey along with a no obligation quote for any work that nay need carrying out. In some rare instances an immediate quote may not be possible, but in all events this will take no longer than 24 hours. here is nothing to lose, so please book your appointment via the contacts page. Thanks for reading!
Winter months.

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