Commercial Locksmith Norfolk

On my outings as an average shopper, I cannot help but look at the locks I pass. I find myself guessing how quickly I think I could get into a lock should the owners lose their keys. For many shops and businesses, the estimate is scarily quickly, and I am not thinking about using power tools either, because it is my job to try and think like a burglar and they want to be in and out as quick as possible.  

Just think about this for a minute: The intruder of a shop can usually see exactly what he wants or can legally enter and scout the shop during opening hours, so once he is through the door, it takes very little time to get what he wants and leave before anyone knows anything about it. He does not have to search room to room as he would in a house and so theft is much easier.  

Warehouse type businesses have great big doors, often with ram-posts behind to stop them being driven through, but if the office door is easy to attack, then what is the point of the other security. It has to be all or nothing. 

Complacency is easy, after all isn’t that why we have insurance? But insurance companies are businesses themselves and they are also about making money, so if they have to pay out for your loss, have a stiff drink ready for when your renewal time comes around. Or be prepared for business upheaval when they list a string of new measures to be put in place so that you can continue to be insured.  

So, what is to stop you having the best security you can?  

Is cost a factor? No. Quite simply, making sure your premises is as secure as it can be, is a business cost and therefore should be tax deductible. Yes, you may need to pay for it now, but the cost can be offset when you put your tax return in and therefore reduces your tax bill.  

Will it interfere with my customers? Not so. Most residential or commercial locksmiths will work outside of normal business hours, so your customers won’t be inconvenienced and a CRB should tell you the locksmith is trustworthy should you want to go home yourself. I personally would be quite happy to work late into the night to get the job done if it was needed. 

So what measures might one take? 

Firstly, just about all new business premises have double glazed doors, be they UPVC or of metal construction. Unless they have a kite marked cylinder, they are easy to break into without power tools. Have these changed as a priority and ask your locksmith for a 3 star rated cylinder as these really are the best of the best. 

If your business is based in an older building, how about fitting a magnetic lock with remote fobs? The power can be switched off during opening hours and then the staff who need to get in at opening times simply zap the device which will cut the power allowing entry.  

Don’t rely on security grilles either. Inside ones are better as the locks face away from the intruder and cannot be got at easily, but the big shop front grilles are only as good as the locks and many can be picked in the same way a standard rim cylinder (‘Yale’) can be. And if they are held in place by padlocks, then the quality of the padlock needs to be of a suitable standard. I wouldn’t spend less than £60 for a top European rated one that will really slow the attacker down.  

Of course we know that nothing is impervious to attack, but the idea is to make it as hard as possible. But what if they do get in? Do you have an alarm? And if you do, is it one that just rings, hoping for a passer by to actually contact someone who can investigate? How long will it be before you actually find out your business in under attack? There are now wireless systems that can send a message direct to your phone as soon as the alarm is triggered so you can act immediately. 

There is CCTV that does the same; sending you direct images of what is happening in real time. And again, wireless technology makes these systems easy to install with minimum disruption. 

So, why be a victim? If you own your business property, make sure your assets are protected. If you don’t own it, ask your landlord to make sure your property is up to scratch.  

You can talk to me about any of the above issues by any of the means on our contact page. 

Thanks for reading. 
AC Locksmiths Norfolk