Older UPVC doors.

With the weather warming up, we are noticing an up turn in upvc doors that are in need of adjustment. French doors that have been shut over the winter are being opened again, and the owners are finding that the handles are stiff to operate. A relatively easy problem to fix as long as it is dealt with straight away, but expensive if the handles are forced and the mechanism breaks. At AC Locksmiths we would much rather do the adjustments than see money wasted further down the line and we charge nothing to have a look for you. We only charge if we have to do any work.

The other thing we have noticed is that many upvc doors are still of the old type that have rollers as the multi-point locking mechanism. Without going into details, these are extremely easy for burglars to gain entry through and should be upgraded to incorporate hook and shoot bolts where possible. Most people think this requires a whole new door, but in most cases, it is just a new mechanism that is required to increase your security.

While Norfolk is statistically low for reported burglaries, we have attended a fair number of cases in the North Norfolk area. For further information, please do not hesitate to get in contact via the contacts page. We do cover locks for the whole of Norfolk with particular focus on the Holt, Sheringham, Cromer, North Walsham and Fakenham towns along with the local villages.