Key Safes

Don’t hide a spare key:

Key safes are not just for holiday homes and people who need multiple carers. There are many advantages to having key safe for every home. Many people ask me to do work when they are not home and often, I am told that there will be a spare key hidden under some obviously different stone or other hiding place. This is just asking for trouble because an experienced burglar knows to look out for these things. You have to hide the key somewhere pretty obvious or else you forget where it is and can’t find it when you need it. And so, all the burglar needs to do is think to himself where he would hide a key and that’s an easy entry into your home. Your key might go undisturbed for years, but if your sentimental belongings are stolen, you will wish you had done all you could to make that as hard as possible.


The other advantage of a key safe is convenience. As I write this, I am stuck with my vehicle in a garage having repairs. Typically, my phone has not stopped ringing as people need me to let them in because they have lost their keys. Customers I could have got to in minutes are now waiting hours for locksmiths who are out of the area. If they had a spare key in a key safe, they would not even have had reason to call me. Teens are also great at losing keys, so having a key for them in a key safe can save you having to change your locks, although regular changing of the code would be advised in this instance. I have also had customers with dementia constantly losing keys, having a back-up in a key safe can save them having to wait in the cold for a locksmith.

Key safes come in many shapes and sizes. Really good ones might be more expensive, but cheap ones are of little use if they are easy to break into. Burglars, like locksmiths know if it is going to be worth their time attempting to get in. Many people believe that if an intruder wants to get in, he will. If he has to destroy your key safe to get a key, that will work out a lot cheaper to replace than if he does serious damage to your door and frame.

If you would like any more information regarding key safes or any other topics discussed in my blogs, please you the contacts page to find out how to get in touch.

Thanks for reading.