Specialist burglars

Is your property a potential target for specialist burglars?

Make your property more secure

I was saddened this week to be called out to a remote farmhouse in Norfolk that had been attacked by a particular sort of criminal. The property, over 400 yards from it’s nearest neighbour, is a second home for a couple who only use it for a couple of nights each week. The thieves could tell the property was empty and broke in, stealing antique furniture. To make matters worse, they repeated the process a few days later, going back for bigger items they had obviously checked out on the first break in.

A number of factors made this break in possible: Firstly, it was a remote property, with out buildings that shielded any lights the burglars used from the neighbours, who would have had no reason to suspect anything was going on, even if they did see any lights from a distance of four football pitches away. Secondly, the locks were inadequate; Three of the four doors were not up to BS3621 standard, and there were no window locks. The burglars gained access through a window. Although hidden, one of the door keys was in an obvious hiding place and thus it was easy for the intruders to exit the house with their ill-gotten gains and use the same key to let themselves back in on their second visit. Thirdly there was no alarm/CCTV in place or any visible deterrent.

If your property is in any way cut off from the main view of other properties, it is a potential target. If your property is unattended for periods of time, even just a few days a week,  it is an increased potential target. Holiday homes and lets are a particularly vulnerable.

So what can you do?  . . . . .  You can improve your security with simple measures; –

  • Start with the correct locks. All final exit doors should have a kite mark. UPVC multipoint doors are no good if they just have a standard locking barrel – these take less than a minute to bypass.
  • Have window locks installed. Better still if they are obvious from the outside. Burglars don’t want to smash windows – the chance of a cut leaves DNA evidence.
  • Bright sensor controlled lights are fantastic. Especially when visible to the neighbours.
  • Indoor timer controlled lights are great as well.
  • Get to know your close neighbours, if possible, and get them used to the times you are away. People notice car engines in remote areas and are more likely to look when bright lights come on.
  • Alarms and CCTV can now be made to suit most budgets. With internet linkage, they can now also message you direct with alarm and send you pictures in real time with CCTV. The burglars know this and it’s no longer the case where they can remove the recorder to erase their images. They know the pictures have been sent to you and you are contacting the police. They will steer clear of properties that are protected.
  • If you have a holiday let, you could change the locks at the end of the high season. This cost comes within your allowable expenses so there is no reason not to. Any of your guests can get a copy of your keys (unless your locks are very high spec) and then use the copies whenever they like. You might only have a TV and music centre in the property, but what if they break in when your current guests are out for the day? Despite any notice that disregards your responsibility for the safety of their belongings, how would you feel?  At least if your locks are changed yearly, your suspect list goes down.

Rural Norfolk may not have high levels of social problems that give rise to the opportunist burglars, but we do have properties that are better targets for the specialists. A security check costs nothing and could save you your prized possessions. And despite the material loss, most burglary victims say they never get over the violation of a stranger entering their home and going through their personal belongings.

Don’t be a victim. Check your locks today and if you have any doubts, call us for confidential advice.

Thanks for reading.

AC Locksmit