UPVC Doors

Here is a reminder that upvc doors should be oiled regularly and checked out by a locksmith if the handles are getting hard to engage. We have just completed a job where the key would not turn in the lock. The customer said that the handles had been a problem for the best part of a year!. Had this been looked at when the problem first started then the customer would only have incurred a labour charge to re-align the door. But by leaving it, eventually something was bound to break and indeed this did happen, leaving the customer with not only a cost in labour, but also the added cost of expensive inner workings as well.

So, if your handles are stiff, get them looked at before it becomes a major problem. High use doors such as business premises and French doors seem to be the most common to drop, but often when doors are caught in the wind or been banged shut for any other reason, it can cause the door to drop, so as soon as you notice any stiffness when pushing the handles up, it is best to call the locksmiths as soon as possible. In most cases, the handles should be as easy to lift when the door is closed as they are when it is open.
Special Deals
Older UPVC doors.


  1. locksmiths in leicester
    June 28, 2013 - 12:34 pm

    Realy good advice, people should heed this advice.

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