Urgent – Burglary scam

I have just had to change the locks for an elderly gentleman in Holt because his keys were stolen through a doorstep scam. The victim in question has UPVC doors and the scam went like this:

* The victim answers the door bell as per usual to be confronted by a stranger

* The stranger reports seeing someone going over his back garden wall

* Immediately worried, the victim heads to the rear of the house leaving the ‘Good Samaritan’ with an open door and a bunch of keys hanging in the lock.

* The victim finds no evidence of an intruder in his back garden and returns to the front door to find no one there and his keys missing.

Now this could be a prank or it could be an organised criminal looking to come back at a later date with easy access to a victim’s home. Either way, the gentleman in question has had to change his locks for peace of mind.

Unfortunately, the vile people who carry out these scams will target areas where the older generations live. Suffice to say, if you are reading this in any area and you know older people, please, without scaring them, let them know about this scam. Do not leave strangers at your door unattended for any reason. It may seem impolite to shut the door on someone who could be doing you a huge favour, but better to be rude than out of pocket, or worse! Even a safety chain may leave enough gap for someone to reach around remove the keys. Crime prevention is the best way.

Finally, if you have been the victim of a scam and do need to have your locks changed, I am sympathetic and while I cannot change my prices, I will do my best to accommodate those who may not be able to afford the cost straight away. Also, do not forget to check your home insurance policy, as you may be able to have some of the cost refunded.

Thanks for reading.

AC Locksmiths

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